Madmagi strives to provide educational excitement and engagement, within the fields of science and gastronomy. On their Youtube channel you can find videos on many different topics. From facts about insects to developing food for future astronauts. Their goal is to bring the scientific field is into the kitchen in a fun and creative way. The project is aimed a kids and young adults, within the age of 7-14.
Their videos are inspired by FN's world goals and are centered around sustainable food development. Madmagi is the first project under the union Alchemist Taste Lab, and the project lasted from 1. april 2020 to 31. december 2021. The project was supported by the Novo Nordic foundation.
For this project i made the main jingle, bagground music and stingers/breakers.
Madmagi episode - Muggen toast I Pimp min mad
Music components
Madmagi info
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm3fpgy9Q5f5uFwMUmbIWow
Homepage: https://madmagi.dk/